8 Things You Didn't Know About Cows

We Share a Lot of Genes


In 2009, scientists sequenced the bovine genome and found 22,000 genes, 80% of which are shared with humans.

Cows Indicate Wealth


Cattle" derives from Old French "chatel," signifying property. Cattle are a sign of affluence in many countries.

Cow Versus Cattle


Cows are female, bulls are masculine. English usually has one name for both male and female of a species, like cat or dog. 

They Sleep on the Ground


The average cow sleeps four hours a day, usually in short bursts. Like humans, lack of sleep can influence a cow's health, productivity, and behavior.

Cows Like to Play


In addition to playing with balls, gamboling, and running, cows interact socially with other mammals.

Cows Are Gassy


Cattle emit 250 to 500 liters of methane each day, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, when they digest food. 

Cows Like Petting


In this video of a cow utilizing a "Happycow" machine, cows prefer head, neck, and back massages like dogs.

Cows Have Uncanny Directional Ability


German researchers at the University of Duisburg-Essen found that cows face magnetic north or south when grazing or resting, regardless of the sun or wind.